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Lipinki Forest District – Tourist Attractions
Beautiful forests making natural habitat for unique flora and fauna species, thick undergrowth rich in mushrooms and bilberries, impressive forms of wildlife conservation or amazing geological formations shaped by the activity of continental glacier are only some of the reasons to visit Lipinki Forest District.
Lipinki Forest District includes many interesting and noteworthy forms of wildlife conservation and unique places of great natural and cultural value.Many of these places can be reached via nature trails and bicycle trails.
The area that is unparalleled due to its range and form is Muskau Bend Landscape Park, which is an integral part of Muskau Bend Geopark.The Geopark and the Landscape Park make a geological structure created by continental glacier that is unparalleled in Central Europe.The Geopark includes areas protected due to their natural, historic, cultural and scenic values and was established to protect unparalleled geological structure – the end moraine.
Apart from Muskau Bend Landscape Park, the Geopark also includes the "Muskau Park", a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Apart from Muskau Bend Landscape Park and the "Muskau Park" Lipinki Forest District also includes also a large Nature Reserve called "Nad Młyńską Strugą" (By the Mill Stream). One of its natural attractions is the unparalleled, red and orange colour of Skroda river, resulting from high content of iron compounds.
Other places of interest include:
- Areas located east of Lubsko, Żarski Forest, Coniferous forests of Bogumiłów and Bóbr Valley included in nature parks of Lipinki Forest District,
- Lubsza Valley, Riparian forests on Nysa Łużycka or Lower Bóbr Valley are protected areas included in Natura 2000 Areas,
- Places where natural monuments and areas of protected ecologycan be found.
The growth of tourism and recreation in Lipinki Forest District is supported by development of tourism infrastructure, including:
- tourist trails,
- nature and education trails,
- bicycle trails.
Learn more about tourism infrastructure available in Lipinki Forest District.
Visit the Lipinki Forest District to broaden your knowledge of natural environment, enjoy the memories of beautiful landscapes full of unique flora and fauna species and simply relax having a good time in the bosom of nature.